Make Money Online HTML PHP JAVASCRIPT Google AdSense Tutorial – Which Background Colour Is The Best For Your Adverts?

Google AdSense Tutorial – Which Background Colour Is The Best For Your Adverts?

Google AdSense Tutorial – Which Background Colour Is The Best For Your Adverts? post thumbnail image

While you have only little influence on the content of the ads, served on your home page, you can choose the colours for it. This Google AdSense tutorial will teach you, which colours you should choose.

Q: What background colour should I pick? White, green, blue, yellow, or red?

A: While colours no doubt have a huge psychological influence on people’s mood and actions, there’s not a distinctive answer to this question. The answer could be any of the above colours. It all depends on the background of the spot, where you intend to place your ad.

Choosing any other colour could harm your income more than you think.

Q: Okay, my blog has a white background in the middle, and a blue to the sides. Do I choose white or blue, then?

A: If you’re placing the ad within the text in the middle, you should go with white. If you’re placing the ad units in either of the two sides, you should choose the same blue colour.

Q: How do I know if the colour is identical?

A: To find out which colour has been used for your home page, you could either look into the HTML code, the CSS code, or use a colour picker to tell you.

In the latter case, you have to download and install a small application that you can use to find out, which colour you’re using. You just have to hover your mouse above the spot, and the colour picker will show you the colour code. If it shows something like this: #F572D1, you have to put the six characters after the hash char in the Google AdSense code like this: F572D1.

These six characters define your Red Green Blue colour code. To give you some more examples, white is written like this: FFFFFF and black like this: 000000.

Q: Why should the background colour of my ad unit match the background of my site?

A: The goal for you should be to blend in your ads with your content. You don’t want your visitors to see right away that they are ads. Not that you should cheat your visitors. However, showing them immediately that these units are adverts will only turn them off, and they wouldn’t want to click them. So you have to give the impression that these ads are relevant pieces of information. You do that by making them look like any other piece of information on your site.

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