Make Money Online SOCIAL TRAFFIC Global Pride Network: Karel Cast 112 Why no arrest, plus Traffic huimans much?

Global Pride Network: Karel Cast 112 Why no arrest, plus Traffic huimans much?

Global Pride Network: Karel Cast 112 Why no arrest, plus Traffic huimans much? post thumbnail image

The global Pride Network is a group of online activists who have been fighting for the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) people around the world. The group was founded in 2012 by Karel Cast, a gay man from the Czech Republic who had been living in the United States for several years.

Since its inception, the global Pride Network has helped to organize and promote pride events in countries where being LGBTQ is not socially accepted or legal. The group has also been active in campaigning for LGBTQ rights, both online and offline.

In 2018, the global Pride Network made headlines when it helped to organize and promote the world’s first virtual pride parade. The event was held in response to the cancellation of Pride parades around the world due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The global Pride Network is currently based in New York City.

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