Make Money Online Uncategorized Get Rich Fast in Red dead online! Money Farming Guide for beginners in RDR2 Online

Get Rich Fast in Red dead online! Money Farming Guide for beginners in RDR2 Online

Get Rich Fast in Red dead online! Money Farming Guide for beginners in RDR2 Online post thumbnail image

Looking to make some quick cash in Red Dead Online? You’re in luck! There are a number of ways to make money fast in the game, and we’ve laid them all out for you here.

So, without further ado, here’s our guide on how to get rich quick in Red Dead Online!

1. Sell rare items to fences

One of the quickest and easiest ways to make money in Red Dead Online is to sell rare items to fences. Fences are NPCs who will buy stolen or illegal goods from you, no questions asked.

To find a fence, open your map and look for the icon that looks like a bag of money with a plus sign next to it. Once you’ve found a fence, simply approach them and select the “Sell Items” option.

The items that fetch the highest prices are generally rare crafting materials, such as perfect pelts and skins, as well as rare fish. However, pretty much any item can be sold for a decent price if it’s rare enough. So, keep your eyes peeled for anything that looks valuable!

2. Complete missions and side-missions

Missions and side-missions are another great way to make money fast in Red Dead Online. Not only do they provide a decent payout upon completion, but they also offer up plenty of opportunities to earn bonus cash and XP through exploration and discovery.

To find missions and side-missions, open your map and look for the yellow exclamation mark icons. These will lead you to NPCs who have tasks that need completing, so speak to them and see what needs doing.

Remember to scour the area thoroughly while completing missions as there’s often plenty of extra loot lying around, just waiting to be collected!

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