Make Money Online AUTOMATION #GCP Launching website using Automation Script (Part 4) | Google Cloud Platform for Beginners 2021

#GCP Launching website using Automation Script (Part 4) | Google Cloud Platform for Beginners 2021

#GCP   Launching website using Automation Script (Part 4) | Google Cloud Platform for Beginners 2021 post thumbnail image

In the previous article, we discussed how to use the Google Cloud Platform (GCP) to launch a website. In this article, we will continue where we left off and discuss how to use automation scripts to launch a website.

Automation scripts are used to automate the process of launching a website. They can be used to automate the process of creating a new virtual machine, installing the required software, and configuring the website.

Automation scripts can be written in a variety of programming languages, such as Python, Java, and Node.js. In this article, we will use Python to write an automation script.

The first step is to create a new Python file and import the required modules. The following code imports the modules required to write an automation script:

import os
import time
import webapp2

The os module is used to manipulate the operating system, the time module is used to manipulate time, and the webapp2 module is used to create web applications.

The next step is to create a function that will create a new virtual machine. The following code creates a function called create_vm() that will create a new virtual machine:

def create_vm(name, cpu, memory, disk):

The create_vm() function takes four arguments: the name of the virtual machine, the number of CPUs, the amount of memory, and the size of the disk.

The following code creates a new virtual machine and sets the name to “”:

vm = os.system(“sudo virsh create –name ” + name)

The os.system() function is used to execute shell commands. The virsh create command is used to create a new virtual machine.

The following code sets the number of CPUs to 2 and the amount of memory to 512 MB:

vm.cpu_count = 2
vm.memory_size = 512

The following code sets the size of the disk to 10 GB:

vm.disk_size = 10

The following code starts the virtual machine:


The following code prints the ID of the virtual machine:

print(“Virtual machine ID: ” +

The following code prints the name of the virtual machine:

print(“Virtual machine name: ” + vm.

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