Make Money Online CONTENT TRAFFIC F#ck Content Marketing: Focus on Content Experience to Drive Demand, Revenue & Relationships

F#ck Content Marketing: Focus on Content Experience to Drive Demand, Revenue & Relationships

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An interview with Randy Frisch, about his book “F#ck Content Marketing: Focus on Content Experience to Drive Demand, Revenue & Relationships”.

BVC: What is the book about and who is it for?

RANDY: It’s a great question, because people will see the title, which is F#ck Content Marketing, and they will think that it has everything to do with content marketing, in a part of marketing where we actually have a job title called content marketer, and a lot of my team was very concerned that the content marketer would first of all, be the one to read this, and second, would be highly insulted. So let me clear out that this is not about saying that content marketers are terrible. In fact, I think they’re extremely, extremely gifted. I think that the idea of the book was more so that there’s no point in creating all that content if the rest of the organization is not going to leverage it.
And it’s interesting, if you look over the last 10 years, just getting to the point where we are today with how easily we can create content, even like this video that will be edited and produced for your audience, we weren’t at that comfort level 10 years ago. We’ve gotten there. The question though is, how are you going to leverage that content? Because if as much of it goes unused, as analysts like SiriusDecisions say, they say 70% unused, well then what’s the point of having put all that effort into the upfront part?

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