Make Money Online EMAIL MARKETING Email Deliverability Explained | Email Marketing Course (3/63)

Email Deliverability Explained | Email Marketing Course (3/63)

Email Deliverability Explained | Email Marketing Course (3/63) post thumbnail image

Email deliverability is a measure of how often your emails reach the intended recipient’s inbox. It’s determined by a number of factors, including the quality of your list, the content of your email, and the reputation of your sending domain.

If you’re not getting the results you want from your email marketing campaigns, your deliverability may be to blame. Here are a few tips to help improve your deliverability and get your emails to the inbox:

1. Clean up your list

The first step to improving your deliverability is to clean up your list. Remove any contacts who have unsubscribed or who are no longer active. Also, remove any contacts who have invalid email addresses.

2. Optimize your content

The content of your email is also important. Make sure your email is well-written and relevant to your audience. Also, be sure to use a friendly tone and avoid spammy language.

3. Use a reputable sending domain

Your sending domain is also important. Make sure you’re using a reputable sending domain with a good reputation. This will help improve your deliverability and increase your chances of reaching the inbox.

4. Use an email marketing service

Using an email marketing service can also help improve your deliverability. Services like MailChimp have built-in spam filters that help to keep your emails out of the spam folder.

5. Test your email

Finally, always test your email before sending it to your list. This will help you catch any potential problems with your content or design. You can use services like Litmus or Email on Acid to test your email.

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