Make Money Online WEBSITES Ecommerce Website Banner Design | Adobe Photoshop Cc

Ecommerce Website Banner Design | Adobe Photoshop Cc

Ecommerce Website Banner Design | Adobe Photoshop Cc post thumbnail image

When it comes to ecommerce website banner design, Adobe Photoshop CC is the go-to software. With its vast array of features and tools, you can create any type of banner you want.

To get started, open Photoshop and create a new document. Then, select the “Web” preset from the Preset drop-down menu. This will give you the correct dimensions and resolution for your banner.

Now, it’s time to start designing. The first step is to add your text. Select the Type Tool and create a text box. Then, type in your text and adjust the font, size, and color as needed.

Next, add your images. Select the Image Tool and drag and drop your images into the document. Resize and position them as needed.

Once you’re done designing, it’s time to export your banner. Select File > Export and choose the “Web” preset. Then, enter the desired dimensions and resolution. Click Export and your banner will be saved as a JPEG file.

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