Make Money Online EMAIL MARKETING Cross Selling in e-commerce examples – Ecommerce Email Marketing

Cross Selling in e-commerce examples – Ecommerce Email Marketing

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Cross Selling Examples

Using the tagging and segmentation that we’ve created earlier on in the program

We’re going to dynamically add super relevant products and offers in these emails

So as an example, if you’ve ever bought anything from Amazon

You’re going to notice in their post purchase emails, they’re going to have things like, customers also bought XYZ

They might offer you a bundle deal on relevant add ons to what you just purchased

This allows them to increase the revenue they get from you every single time that you buy something

While you’re in the buying mood and it’s also highly relevant to what you’ve just bought, so it makes sense

another example out in the real world would be buying shoes in a shoe shop

you’ve chosen your shoes, take them to the counter and you’re going to see things like shoe laces, shoe polish or some kind of shoe protection

This is a typical up sell or cross sell and that’s what we’re looking to achieve in these emails

It just makes sense to have those things there.

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