Make Money Online WORDPRESS Creating a WordPress Theme to Complement Your Business

Creating a WordPress Theme to Complement Your Business

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This Article is about how to create a WordPress Artisteer theme template to compliment your WordPress website.

Getting a WordPress Theme to match your site’s content can be an exercise in futility. I know, because I’ve been down that road. You can spend a lot of time searching for complementary themes that almost hit the mark. Then you can spend more time trying to modify the theme you select, and still not be satisfied with the results. But, there is a better way. I use a very neat program called Artisteer-2 to design my themes.

I begin my designs by defining my websites objective and main keywords. This requires me to do keyword research and analysis to determine the best keywords for my subject and to determine keyword traffic. This is a most important step. I try to obtain 2-3 phrase keywords that are in a niche without too much competition. The Google AdWords suggestion tool is excellent for this.

What is the website about? What category does it fall in? What are my chosen primary keywords? These are critical questions I answer before I go to the next steps. After all of these questions have been answered, then I will start to get a feel for, and some ideas on choosing and setting up a theme.

I collect my thoughts and jot them down then go through the process of elimination to select the best ideas. When I have narrowed down my marketing plan, then I start to look at appropriate themes to match my objectives.

My criteria for defining a theme to match my website and business plan, is to edit down my objectives and select matching theme components in Artisteer. I look for header graphics that closely match the subject of my site. Also I can select a sub-graphic, like a portrait of a business person for example, and include it in the header design.

Here are some tips on selecting a theme. Using Artisteer you can browse through predefined themes that meet your objectives. This is exactly the process I go through when choosing a theme.

My process is: After previewing a few selections, I insert various header graphics relating to my business theme. I then alter the theme colors and the layout styles. Artisteer will save my modified theme as a WordPress theme folder ready for uploading to my site.

Uploading and testing your theme is easy. I use an FTP program thats free. Core FTP lite. Do a Google search on Core FTP lite to download it.

In conclusion, These are the main points and criteria for designing a professional theme. As you can see it’s not just a matter of selecting a free theme from the web that looks good, but all of the design considerations and your sites content must be considered to implement a successful theme.

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