Make Money Online LEAD GENERATION Coregistration Leads – How To Pump Endless Leads Into Your List Using Coregistration!

Coregistration Leads – How To Pump Endless Leads Into Your List Using Coregistration!

Coregistration Leads – How To Pump Endless Leads Into Your List Using Coregistration! post thumbnail image

Want to build a huge list by barely lifting a finger? Coregistration is perhaps one of the only ways to do this.

First of all, what is coregistration? It’s a method of buying leads from a third party broker and have them automatically entered into your autoresponder account for marketing follow-ups.

Some great and cheap coregistration brokers are List Opt and Get Subscribers. More expensive ones are Permission Direct and Marketing Sherpa

Collaborating with other coreg users is one way of going about coregistration. You can find 3 partners to purchase say 200,000 leads, and all 3 partners will share the leads on each of their own autoresponders and only pay 1/3 of the price each.

The best autoresponders for coreg are Auto Response Plus and Parabots. These are the scripts some top marketers are using. 1 Shopping Cart has poor deliverability, so I don’t recommend that. Aweber and Get Response don’t allow coreg leads to be imported into their accounts, so you can’t use them..

As for the marketing, once the leads are on your coreg list, you’d want to funnel them into your main autoresponder (which might be using Get Response or another autoresponder service) as much as possible. Use your coreg list to warm them up with free information, and try to get them onto your main list.

Treat your coreg list with respect and don’t send out blatant ads. Build trust with them by sending high quality information. This is what will build you a strong marketing funnel you can depend on for a huge income.

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