Make Money Online COPYWRITING Copywriting Tips for Advertising & Cold Email with Neville Medhora (ft. David Ogilvy)

Copywriting Tips for Advertising & Cold Email with Neville Medhora (ft. David Ogilvy)

Copywriting Tips for Advertising & Cold Email with Neville Medhora (ft. David Ogilvy) post thumbnail image

So we got the Copywriting King Neville Medhora on the channel and talked about a bunch of stuff about copywriting in Advertising, Cold Email & David Ogilvy (the father of advertising), and how Advertising has evolved over all these years.

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Well, most of my favorite ads are written by David Ogilvy, I know that sounds cliche, but I really think he was a little bit of a pioneer in a lot of this stuff. So I have a collection of some of the Ogilvy ads over here, and let’s go a couple Ogilvy style ads. So there’s this whole selection of Volkswagen ads that were Ogilvy style that were just a big picture, a headline and text. And this was like his classic, classic style. This was a really famous one called The Man in the Hathaway Shirt, and there was a whole series of ads like this that I’ve actually printed out and kept in my bedroom. They were so good. And it’s just a nice-looking image that’s attention-grabbing. It’s got a headline and a bit of text and we ran some, these are neural models on how a human would look at a picture. And so you can see how people would go from here to here to here. That’s how they read it. See.

Alex Berman:
looking right at the face first.

Yeah. So it’s kind of like an attention getting ad. You can see the shirt because it’s talking about a shirt, so you see how sharp it looks on a person and then you follow it from the person, his eyes, his one eye down to the headline, down to the text. And that’s simple format. It’s kind of like how is, which is just headline … sorry, image, headline, text, image, headline, text, image, headline, text. It’s just a standard format that’s lasted until this day and it works super well. The other ads I like are the ones that don’t have any images on them at all. So this is a classic ad called How to Create Advertising That Sells by David Ogilvy. This ad in 1980 broadened something like $1.8 billion in revenue to the company. And the reason is what they did was instead of having a fancy art director do all this stuff, David Ogilvy just wrote out all the secrets of advertising.

And that’s what copywriting is. That’s why it’s so fascinating to me. You can sit behind your computer and make a little bit of a change that makes a large impact. You do so many consultings for cold email, right? And so with a lot of B2B companies, they’re selling products or services that are about $1 million apiece if they get a new piece of business. If you change up their cold email, make it shorter, add some bullet points, something like that, stronger call to action. If you do that successfully and you get someone five more appointments per month, they might be making $1 million per month for their business or more. And all you did was change the words around. It’s kind of a wild result.

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