Make Money Online WEBSITES Complete Responsive Architecture & Interior Design Website Tutorial With HTML / CSS / JS / BOOTSTRAP

Complete Responsive Architecture & Interior Design Website Tutorial With HTML / CSS / JS / BOOTSTRAP

Complete Responsive Architecture & Interior Design Website Tutorial With HTML / CSS / JS / BOOTSTRAP post thumbnail image

A responsive website is one that looks good on any device. No matter if someone is viewing your website on a desktop computer, a laptop, a tablet, or a phone, it will always look great. Creating a responsive website used to be a difficult task, but thanks to Bootstrap, it’s now easier than ever.

In this tutorial, we will be creating a complete responsive website using HTML, CSS, JS, and Bootstrap. We will start by creating the HTML structure for our website. This will include the header, main content area, and footer. We will then add some basic styling to our website using CSS. Next, we will add some JavaScript to create a sliding menu. Finally, we will add Bootstrap to our website and add some responsive styling.

Let’s get started!

The HTML Structure

The first thing we need to do is create the HTML structure for our website. This will include the header, main content area, and footer.

The header will include the website’s logo and navigation. The main content area will include the website’s main content. The footer will include the website’s copyright information and social media icons.

Here is the HTML code for our website’s header:

My Responsive Website

Here is the HTML code for our website’s main content area:

My Main Content

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