Make Money Online BUILDING WEBSITES Building a website from scratch in Webflow – Part 1 – Live Stream 9/02/2021

Building a website from scratch in Webflow – Part 1 – Live Stream 9/02/2021

Building a website from scratch in Webflow – Part 1 – Live Stream 9/02/2021 post thumbnail image

In this article, we will be discussing how to build a website from scratch in Webflow. We will be live streaming the process on September 2, 2021.

First, we will create a new project in Webflow. We will then select the “blank” template.

Next, we will add a new page to our website. We will then add some text to our page.

We will then add a new section to our page. We will then add an image to our section.

We will then add a new section to our page. We will then add a video to our section.

We will then add a new section to our page. We will then add a form to our section.

We will then add a new section to our page. We will then add a map to our section.

We will then add a new section to our page. We will then add a table to our section.

We will then add a new section to our page. We will then add a slider to our section.

We will then add a new section to our page. We will then add a custom HTML element to our section.

We will then publish our website.

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