Make Money Online BUILDING WEBSITES Build Your First Web Application Using HTML, CSS and JavaScript

Build Your First Web Application Using HTML, CSS and JavaScript

Build Your First Web Application Using HTML, CSS and JavaScript post thumbnail image

In this article, we will show you how to build your first web application using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. We will assume that you have some basic knowledge of these technologies.

First, you will need to create a file called “index.html” and add the following code to it:

My First Web Application

My First Web Application

This is my first web application. It is very simple, but it demonstrates how to use HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

Next, you will need to add some CSS code to the “index.html” file. Add the following code to the section:

The code above will style the


elements in the HTML document.

Next, you will need to add some JavaScript code to the “index.html” file. Add the following code to the section:

The code above will print the “Hello, world!” message to the console.

Now, you can open the “index.html” file in a web browser and see the web application in action.

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