Make Money Online BANNERS Biggest advertising opportunity in 2022? (+ my 7-figure ad framework)

Biggest advertising opportunity in 2022? (+ my 7-figure ad framework)

Biggest advertising opportunity in 2022? (+ my 7-figure ad framework) post thumbnail image

That feeling of jumping on a new advertising trend 😍
Some will be old enough to remember “the good old days” of advertising…
… and the rest of us gets to relive it this year!
(Sure, the old people – like myself – too ;)).
What am I talking about?
Video ads.
“But Wilco… video ads aren’t new…”
Yet, there’s been a massive shift 🤯
People consume WAAAYY more video than ever before.
In the past, you could get away with image and text-ads. Going forward, that’s not going to cut it.
“Why is this a good thing?”, you ask?
On one side there’s massive demand (more people watching more videos)…
… while on the other side, there aren’t THAT many people who run proper video ads.
(Notice the word “proper”, aka video ads that actually convert).
Today’s video is to help you take advantage of this trend.

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