Make Money Online HTML PHP JAVASCRIPT Beginner PHP Tutorial – 190 – Classes, Properties, and Methods

Beginner PHP Tutorial – 190 – Classes, Properties, and Methods

Beginner PHP Tutorial – 190 – Classes, Properties, and Methods post thumbnail image

PHP is a powerful programming language that enables developers to create dynamic and interactive websites. In this tutorial, we will be discussing classes, properties, and methods in PHP.

Classes are a way of grouping related functions together. In PHP, a class is defined by the keyword class followed by the name of the class. The class definition is placed in a file with the same name as the class, and the file must be placed in a directory that is included in the include path.

Classes can have properties and methods. Properties are variables that are associated with a class. Methods are functions that are associated with a class. To access a property or method, you use the name of the class followed by a dot (.) and the name of the property or method.

For example, the following code defines a class called Employee. The class has two properties, name and salary, and one method, getSalary.

class Employee {

private $name;

private $salary;

public function getName() {

return $this->name;


public function getSalary() {

return $this->salary;



The following code uses the Employee class.

$employee = new Employee();

$employee->name = “John”;

$employee->salary = 50000;

echo $employee->getName();

echo $employee->getSalary();

The output of the code will be John and 50000.

Classes can be extended. This means that a class can inherit the properties and methods of another class. For example, the following code defines a class called Employee that extends the class called Person.

class Employee extends Person {


The Employee class will inherit the properties and methods of the Person class.

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