Make Money Online SEO Basic SEO Tutorial: Introduction To The 3 Ranking Factors

Basic SEO Tutorial: Introduction To The 3 Ranking Factors

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Basic SEO Tutorial: Introduction To The 3 Ranking Factors

There are three primary ranking factors in Google’s algorithm: content, links, and RankBrain.

When it comes to on-page SEO, content is king. The quality and relevance of your content is the single most important factor in your website’s ability to rank in the search engine results pages (SERPs).

If your website doesn’t have high-quality, relevant content, it simply won’t rank. Period.

But what exactly is “high-quality, relevant content”?

In short, it’s content that:
A) Is well-written and error-free
B) Is thoroughly researched and informative
C) Uses the target keyword throughout (in a natural way)
D) Is engaging and interesting to read
E) Provides a unique perspective or insight on the topic
F) Is shareable on social media and other websites
G) Ranks for other related keywords
H) Drives traffic to other pages on your website (via internal links)

Creating high-quality content isn’t easy. It takes time, effort, and expertise. But it’s worth it. High-quality content will not only help you rank in Google, but it will also attract visitors to your website and help you build an audience.

The second primary ranking factor is links. Links are basically votes from other websites. The more votes (links) you have, the higher your website will rank in Google. But not all votes are equal. A link from a high-authority website carries more weight than a link from a low-authority website.
To get links from high-authority websites, you need to create high-quality content that people want to link to. If you do that, other websites will naturally link to your content. You can also actively promote your content and reach out to websites in your niche to ask for links. But beware of link buying/selling schemes and black hat SEO tactics; they can get your website penalized by Google.

RankBrain is the third primary ranking factor in Google’s algorithm. RankBrain is a machine learning artificial intelligence system that helps Google sort through and understand search results. In short, RankBrain helps Google interpret queries and provide relevant results.RankBrain is constantly learning and evolving; it gets smarter over time as it processes more data. While we don’t know everything about RankBrain, we do know that it uses click data (what people do after they see your result), dwell time (how long people stay on your page after they click), and other engagement signals to help determine the quality of a result. So if you want to rank well in Google, you need to create high-quality content that engages users and keeps them on your page for a long period of time

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