Make Money Online COPYWRITING Article Writing Tips – How to Properly Proofread and Edit Your Articles

Article Writing Tips – How to Properly Proofread and Edit Your Articles

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So, you are done writing your articles. The next thing to do now is to proofread them and make sure that they are flawless. You will need to do some things other than running them against a traditional grammar and spell checker.

1. Sleep on them. What I do is I leave my articles alone for at least 24 hours. Then, I edit them the next day, first thing in the morning. What I realized is that doing this makes me more objective and a more effective proofreader. I was able to spot more errors and I can easily identify sentences that do not make any sense.

2. Read your articles aloud. This one is also effective. Try reading your articles silently and count the errors that you were able to find. Then, read your articles aloud and you’ll be amazed as to how many errors you have missed earlier.

3. Get a neutral third party to review your articles. Get somebody, preferably an expert writer or an editor to critique your work. This person must have the capability to tell you what’s wrong with your articles and must be able to give you recommendations on how you can convert your weaknesses to strengths.

4. Explore free grammar sites. There are few reliable sites that can tell you what’s wrong with your grammar and sentences construction. While some of them are not really helpful, others are pretty amazing. You just need to post your articles on these sites and they will highlight your mistakes. Then, they will give you useful suggestions on how you can improve your content.

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