Make Money Online MAKE MONEY ONLINE An Urgent Message for Shopify Dropshipping

An Urgent Message for Shopify Dropshipping

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Store Owners

As a shopify dropshipping store owner, you may be feeling overwhelmed with the current state of the industry. With Facebook and Instagram cracking down on dropshipping ads, and Google implementing new shopping policies, it can be difficult to know what the future holds for your business.

Don’t worry, we’re here to help!

In this article, we’ll be discussing the current state of the dropshipping industry, and providing you with some tips on how to navigate these changes.

The Current State of the Dropshipping Industry

Since Facebook and Instagram implemented their new advertising policies, the dropshipping industry has been in a state of flux.

In particular, Facebook has been cracking down on ads that promote dropshipping stores, which has made it increasingly difficult for store owners to generate traffic and sales.

As a result, many store owners have been forced to abandon their stores, while others have been forced to switch to alternative traffic sources (such as Google AdWords and Pinterest).

While the future of Facebook and Instagram advertising is uncertain, there are still plenty of other traffic sources that you can use to drive traffic to your store.

In particular, Google AdWords and Pinterest have been shown to be effective traffic sources for dropshipping stores.

Google AdWords

Google AdWords is a pay-per-click advertising platform that allows you to generate traffic to your store by targeting people who are searching for specific keywords.

In order to use Google AdWords, you’ll need to create a campaign and then create a series of adverts that target specific keywords.

When creating your adverts, it’s important to make sure that your keywords are relevant to your products.

For example, if you’re selling a product that is related to fitness, you’ll want to target keywords that are related to fitness, such as “fitness tips” and “workout routines”.

When targeting keywords, it’s important to remember that the quality of your traffic is more important than the quantity.

In other words, it’s more important to target high-quality keywords that have a high conversion rate than it is to target a large number of low-quality keywords.


Pinterest is a social media platform that allows you to share images and videos with your followers.

In addition, Pinterest also allows you to target people who have interests related

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