Make Money Online SEO An Idiots Guide to SEO Basics

An Idiots Guide to SEO Basics

An Idiots Guide to SEO Basics post thumbnail image

Search engine optimization is basically the optimization of a webpage as to ensure a higher ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs), making the website more visible to visitors and users in Google or any other search engine.

1. Picking a SEO Organization

Now remember SEO may be a complex and challenging subject if you are not that tech savvy.

With so much information readily available on line it is inevitable that some of the information given to you could be compromised. For the uninformed individual it may be hard to separate fact from fiction when it comes to SEO is the latest craze a scam or is it for real?

You may ask yourself if you really need to know about SEO and if it will work for your company.

Well any idiot knows that no doctor in the world is able to absolutely guarantee that you will live through an operation and yet we always ask for one. In the end it all comes down to educating yourself about all your options and then trusting the decision you make. Pick wisely when choosing who you are going to trust with your SEO operation.

2. Using Your SEO Organisation

Now that you have picked your S.E.O expert listen to what he has to say. His advice should be backed with knowledge and experience. Since you put your trust in him for whatever reason you should follow that decision through with a good sense of logic and reason. Base your decision on good due diligence

3. Don’t Go Cheap

You are investing in an important part of your business marketing strategy. SEO is important and deserves to be on your marketing budget. It is known to provide the best return-on-investment in comparison to other advertising initiatives.

People are now spending around 11 hours a day consuming media and while TV is still on top, the internet isn’t far behind. In some countries people are actually spending as much time on line as they are watching television.

According to a study done in 2007 52% of people are finding retailers by searching for products using search engines. This indicates that on line research is central to consumer shopping behaviour.

Shouldn’t you therefor consider paying that little bit extra for an experienced advisor who ensures the excellent results you and your company require.

4. Don’t be boring

A good website needs good content as to keep it fresh and up to date. When a visitor arrives at your site and is bounced within the first 2-6 seconds it doesn’t leave a good impression, making visitors unhappy and unsatisfied. It is easy for a site to be written off as a poor quality destination. So even if your site isn’t that attractive you can still achieve success if you diligently update it, keeping the content unique and informative.

5. Don’t Nit Pick

Remember that you don’t want or need to optimize for every possible keyword or phrase. Obviously you, along with everyone else on the World Wide Web want to rank number one but there are many factors that determines a pages ranking. Obsessing over every detail doesn’t make sense and is unproductive and short-sighted.

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