Make Money Online PPC Amazon PPC Optimization For Beginners Step by Step 2022 | Bizistech

Amazon PPC Optimization For Beginners Step by Step 2022 | Bizistech

Amazon PPC Optimization For Beginners Step by Step 2022 | Bizistech post thumbnail image

Today we will discuss how to optimize Amazon PPC campaign.
Before we start let me tell you what is Amazon ppc optimization and why it is required.
PPC optimization is the process of management of your PPC Campaigns in a way that they are cost effective and give the best possible results.
The PPC optimization is done to achieve the following goals
1)To lower ACOS Amazon PPC to acceptable limits of up to 20-30%.
2)To find good relevant and targeting keywords
3)To do negative keyword or product targeting of irrelevant products or keywords to avoid or reduce unnecessary spending.

In this video, we will discuss about the PPC optimization of Auto and Manual Campaigns under sponsored products.
In manual campaigns we will discuss the optimization of exact and broad match campaigns.

There can be 2 scenarios once you are doing PPC Campaigns optimization

1) You are optimizing campaigns you launched yourself or you are optimizing campaigns which were launched by someone else.
2) Before optimization, you will have to do keyword research to find relevant primary and secondary keywords for product whose PPC campaign require optimization.

Now let’s assume that you have done the keyword research now there are 2 methods available to optimize PPC Campaigns
1)Through advertising report
2)From seller central campaign Manager
Let me tell you how advertising reports are generated and what data these reports show but our focus is the optimization from seller central.

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