Make Money Online MARKETING Affiliate Strategy – Mining Your Affiliate Marketing Well

Affiliate Strategy – Mining Your Affiliate Marketing Well

Affiliate Strategy – Mining Your Affiliate Marketing Well post thumbnail image

I always like to analogize making money with affiliate marketing with mining the oil well. It shares many similarities. It also illustrates that if you apply what you already learn from life, you can be successful as well in other venture like affiliate marketing.

If you are a frequent visitor or an internet marketing forum, you should quickly discover that more people are struggling to make progress in affiliate marketing. A few of those who are successful know no secret, but people always think there is a button they could switch (or push) to get the money flowing into their bank account.

Hard to believe but there are a bunch of people with that mindset out there. Just prove me wrong if you don’t believe me.

Join an internet marketing forum for a few hours. You’ll soon think you live in another world. When you observe what others are doing, you will also find out that most of them are always pursuing the latest and shiniest object.

The problem is, once you adopt a technique or strategy, soon it will fade and that everything else is shinier. Every new offer, technique, or money making opportunity seems to be better than what you are doing. Everything seem to be able to deliver results quicker than what you do.

What happened to the excitement? Weren’t you almost too sure with this opportunity that you’re pursuing? What’s wrong with that? In fact, how many times have you been in this situation?

Back to the oil well analogy, an affiliate method is just like a well. You can dig into the source of the oil, install pipes to pump the oil out of the earth, but whether you will actually mine it or not is another thing at all.

Think about it. People are jumping on one opportunity upon another. They build web sites, they try one promotion tactic, but when it comes to mining, they stop and jump to work on another well. Perhaps it is about expectation but unless you stick with it, you are not mining the well yet.

The cycle almost repeats itself for months, if not years. Some people wonder why they haven’t made a dime online. The truth is, they dig too many wells but never mine them.

If you only focus, it’s like owning a small oil well. You explore and work on it until the oil comes out from the pipe. And you don’t stop until it is operating efficiently.

The question is, which affiliate well will you mine today?

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