Make Money Online AFFILIATE MARKETING Affiliate Marketing – 5 Hot Tips To Write a Profitable Blog Post

Affiliate Marketing – 5 Hot Tips To Write a Profitable Blog Post

Affiliate Marketing – 5 Hot Tips To Write a Profitable Blog Post post thumbnail image

In this article I am going to give you five tips for creating a profitable blog post. Why is it so important to create a good blog post that drives traffic to your blog, you may ask? can’t you just write whatever comes to mind and expect it to grab your potential customer’s attention?

Well, firstly this is because, there are a lot of information on the internet today which are all hype. Hypes are basically just a term for filler or useless content. People write and fill up space so it looks like there’s lots of information in the post but in reality there may really be only one sentence in the entire post that provides any information.

If you’re constantly posting hypes then your blog is not going to see much traffic, and certainly won’t have many followers. To eliminate this here are few tips that if you followed will result in a profitable blog post every time.

1. Write your posts as short and eloquent as possible. It has been said that if it takes you a large amount of words to explain something then you probably don’t understand it very well. Keep this point in mind at all times; you want your post to be short and sweet yet informative.

2. Write your posts to cater to all kind of readers. You must aim to get your blog to be read by as many people as possible, so if it is written to a university graduate reading level then you have just closed yourself off to a huge potential audience.

3. Fill your post with meaningful information about the product including specifications, reviews, testimonials, etc.

4. Remember to include the price of the product you are promoting in the post. There is nothing more annoying than when someone writing praises on about a product and then when you get to the end they don’t even list how much it costs.

5. Don’t forget to include your amazon affiliate link. You have put a lot of hard work into creating a blog and then writing a post, the last thing you want to do is to miss out on a sale. Make it your habit to always check your blog posts to make sure the link is there and active.

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