Make Money Online COPYWRITING 60 Kick-Butt Lessons on Copywriting…Business…and Life: Lesson 13 My 4-Bucket Money Plan #shorts

60 Kick-Butt Lessons on Copywriting…Business…and Life: Lesson 13 My 4-Bucket Money Plan #shorts

60 Kick-Butt Lessons on Copywriting…Business…and Life: Lesson 13 My 4-Bucket Money Plan #shorts post thumbnail image


1. You can never have too much money.
2. You can never have too much money.
3. You can never have too much money.
4. You can never have too much money.

Okay, I know that sounds a bit like the Golden Rule, but it’s true. The more money you have, the more options you have in life. And the more options you have, the more likely you are to achieve your goals.

That’s why I follow a 4-bucket money plan. Each bucket represents a different stage of life, and each stage has its own unique financial needs.

1. The Foundation Bucket: This is the money you need to live comfortably and save for the future. Your goal should be to have at least six months of living expenses saved up in this bucket.

2. The Growth Bucket: This is the money you need to invest in your future. Your goal should be to have at least two years of living expenses saved up in this bucket.

3. The Stability Bucket: This is the money you need to maintain your current lifestyle. Your goal should be to have at least three years of living expenses saved up in this bucket.

4. The Legacy Bucket: This is the money you need to leave a legacy. Your goal should be to have at least 10 years of living expenses saved up in this bucket.

Of course, you don’t have to follow this plan exactly. But it’s a good starting point for creating your own personal financial roadmap.

So how do you save for each bucket?

1. The Foundation Bucket: You can save for the Foundation Bucket by living below your means and investing the difference.

2. The Growth Bucket: You can save for the Growth Bucket by earning more money and investing the difference.

3. The Stability Bucket: You can save for the Stability Bucket by earning more money and investing the difference.

4. The Legacy Bucket: You can save for the Legacy Bucket by earning more money and investing the difference.

The key is to start saving now, so you can reach your financial goals in the future.

So what are you waiting for? Start saving today!

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