Make Money Online EMAIL MARKETING #5 Collecting email from website visitors – Email Marketing Course

#5 Collecting email from website visitors – Email Marketing Course

#5 Collecting email from website visitors – Email Marketing Course post thumbnail image

Marketing is about communication and Email Marketing is the strategy you use in keeping the line of communication open with your customers and prospective customers . Email marketing is about using a simple method of communicating to engage your audience.

As a growing business, putting together an email marketing system may seem like a daunting task, but its not, and it doesn’t have to be. In this course, we will review selecting an email marketing platform, analyzing your marketing list, growing your marketing list, understanding how to optimize your communication, and automating the process so you can focus on other things.

At the end of this course you will have put together an email marketing system for your business. The whole goal of the course is to not only help you to understand the value in a particular strategy, it is also to help you implement it immediately so that you realize the benefit. So lets get started.

Course Information:

– This email marketing course is put together for business owners and people who are new to email marketing. Because of that we’re going to be going over a lot of the fundamentals, and helping you to understand how and why email marketing is primary means of driving new business and maintaining contact with your old customers. We’re going to help you to understand the value of this marketing strategy in this course and how to succeed at it:

Fundamentals of Email Marketing: Lists, List-Building, Newsletter, Integrating an Email Subscription Form into your website, Reporting, Open Rate, Click Rate. These are all important terms that helps you to measure how effective your email send outs (campaigns) are and we’ll be reviewing these.

Designed step by step for your success: From topic to distribution, this course is designed to walk you through the steps whereby at the end of the course, you will be able to manage your email marketing campaigns and perhaps help others as well.

#Email #MailChimp #EmailMarketing


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