Make Money Online COPYWRITING 47 Copywriting Terms You Should Know

47 Copywriting Terms You Should Know

47 Copywriting Terms You Should Know post thumbnail image

When you first start out as a copywriter, there are so many new phrases and terms to learn. The best way to learn these new words is by researching as you go. Any time you hear a new word, take time to look it up. You’ll be amazed at how much you can learn. That being said, here is a list of 47 words and terms that are commonly used.

00:00 How to learn new copywriting terms
01:34 Copywriting
03:25 Copy
03:50 CTA/Call to action
04:12 Direct response copy
05:25 ideal customer
06:00 Target market
07:11 Swipe file
07:50 Swipe copy
08:14 B2B and B2C copy
09:00 Inbound and outbound marketing
10:10 Email list
11:00 Email marketing
11:43 Email newsletter
11:57 Email sequence
12:35 Open rate
12:52 Unsubscribe rate
13:30 Opt-in
14:04 Conversion rate
14:25 Click-through rate
14:43 Cost per lead
15:03 Sales page and landing page
16:07 Search Engine Optimization
16:48 Authority and relevance
17:32 Keywords
17:45 Longtail keywords
18:12 Close variant keywords
18:24 Alt description/alt text
18:47 Backlinks
19:04 H1/H2
20:07 Backend
20:23 Meta description
20:54 White paper
22:12 A/B split testing
23:15 Case study
23:54 Style guides/writing guidelines
24:26 Proofreading vs editing
25:19 Sitemaps
26:17 Bounce rate
26:54 Keyword density
27:37 Lead generation
27:57 Niche
28:31 ROI/return on investment
28:46 ROAS/return on ad spend
29:32 Funnel
30:40 Warm vs cold
31:20 Evergreen


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#Sarah Turner #Copywriting #Copywriting Terms

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