Make Money Online COPYWRITING 2 Ways To Boost Your Opt-In Email Marketing Conversion Rates

2 Ways To Boost Your Opt-In Email Marketing Conversion Rates

2 Ways To Boost Your Opt-In Email Marketing Conversion Rates post thumbnail image

Are you into list-building? If not, then you should know that it’s a great way improve your sales and profits. But it doesn’t take just setting up an email autoresponder and then start collecting leads. The real action occurs after they have signed up to your list, and are looking for good information.

You have to make it a point to build a connection with your readers – and you can do this in a wide variety of ways. Without this connection with your readers, it’s going to be tough for someone to buy. In today’s lesson, I want to share with you some tips that will allow you to earn a lot more money from your list than you ever thought possible.

Here’s the first thing you need to do if you want to boost your conversion rates from your opt-in email newsletter:

1) Make your subscribers trust you

A great way to make your subscribers trust you is with a simple personal story. You will get customers who have similar experiences as you do, and this will be the beginning of having lots of your subscribers liking you and wanting to build a relationship with you. Don’t be surprised if you get a lot of people emailing you with personal stories of their own… this will be their attempt to know you as a person, instead of just someone who owns an email newsletter.

Here’s another tip for boosting your conversion rates from your opt-in email newsletter:

2) Improve your sales letter

When you improve your sales letter, you can really give yourself an advantage in the marketplace. You don’t have to be a master copywriter, you just have to learn the basics, and emulate the styles of some of the best copywriters in the world. Some people who you will want to learn copywriting tips from are Dan Kennedy, Gary Halbert, John Carlton, and Michael Fortin.

All of these copywriters have made millions of dollars for their clients, and if you can get a hold of some of the techniques that these copywriters possess, you will stand a good chance of making your copy incredibly effective. Learn how to position and style your online sales letter into something that will get you the most sales.

You should head on over to a site called “” and study some of the sales copy there. In particular, you will want to study those products that have been proven to sell well via ClickBank. Take a look at how they state their headline, the large fonts that they use, the yellow highlighting that they use, and the different colors that they use on their sales letters.

This can be a great lesson in copywriting, and you should strive to really make your studying pay off with a well-written sales letter that totally wins people over, and makes them want to buy right away.

Use these 2 tips to earn more money in your online business today. It will be more than worth it.

Good luck with using these tips to boost your sales and profits simply and easily.

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