Make Money Online Uncategorized 12 Side Hustles You Can Do From Your Phone ($500+ Per Day) | Make Money Online

12 Side Hustles You Can Do From Your Phone ($500+ Per Day) | Make Money Online

12 Side Hustles You Can Do From Your Phone ($500+ Per Day) | Make Money Online post thumbnail image

Most people are familiar with the term “side hustle,” but what does it actually mean? A side hustle is simply any way that you make money outside of your primary job.

There are countless side hustles out there, but not all of them can be done from your phone. In this article, we’re going to share with you 12 side hustles that you can do from your phone and that could potentially earn you over $500 per day.

1. Start a blog

If you’re passionate about a particular topic and have something valuable to say, starting a blog could be a great way to make money from your phone. It takes some work to get a new blog off the ground, but once you start gaining traffic, you can monetize your site in various ways, such as through advertising or affiliate marketing.

2. Create an app

Do you have a great idea for an app? If so, developing it and bringing it to market could be a very lucrative side hustle. The key is to create an app that people will actually want to use and that provides value in some way. Once you’ve done that, marketing your app and getting people to download it is the next challenge. But if you’re able to get your app in front of the right people, it could quickly become a huge success.

3. Sell products or services online

Another great way to make money from your phone is by selling products or services online. If you have a knack for creating things or providing helpful services, setting up an online store or offering your services through sites like Fiverr could be a great way to earn some extra cash. The key is finding a niche market and then creating products or services that meet the needs of those customers.

4. Do odd jobs for people in your community

If you’re willing to do some physical labor, there are often opportunities available for doing odd jobs for people in your community. This could involve anything from mowing lawns and shoveling snow to painting fences and washing cars. You can find gigs by checking local classified ads or by signing up with task-oriented apps like TaskRabbit or Handy.

5. Provide home-based child care

Do you love working with children? If so, providing home-based child care could be a great way to make money from your phone. This side hustle will obviously require some advance planning and preparation, but if you’re able to land just one or two clients, it could quickly become a very profitable endeavor. Plus, it’s always nice to know that you’re helping out families in your community who need quality child care options.

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